May 2015
LaTeX for beginners 5/6/15
This handy course will teach you about the program you're told to use by every physics prof.
April 2015
Ultimate Frisbee 4/29/15
The sportcie will go all-out with this ultimate frisbee activity
Room drinks: Homefront drinks 4/28/15
The GBE might be happening right now, but that is no excuse to sit idle. Come join us for a drink and laugh at the GBE people, since drinking has just become illegal in Indonesia. During this drinks there will be free special beer!
PION 4/24/15
Ook dit jaar zal er weer een editie van PION worden georganiseerd en wel in Nijmegen!
NIXX Bios | Edge of Tomorrow 4/22/15
On Wednesday the 22nd of April the fourth NIXX bios of this year will take place. This time we will be watching Edge of Tomorrow, of course with pizza for €3,-!
Borrel Lecture:‘Astronomy: more than looking at th 4/21/15
Monthly lecture that covers multidisciplinary scientific areas with free drinks and snacks.
Fotografie101 4/16/15
Op 16 april is het zover. Wil jij zometeen beter foto's kunnen maken? Hoe werkt een camera, wat zijn de verschillen tussen de camera's en meer...kom dan langs
Social Drinks 4/15/15
Join our monthly drink at Het Catshuys
Nederlands Mathematisch Congres 4/15/15
Several lectures on pure and applied mathematics, and a competition will be held for the KWG prize for PhD students.
NIXX: 4/13/15
A movie night with dinner!