December 2015
Christmas Dinner 12/15/15
As is tradition we shall have a christmas dinner this year as well in the Nijenborgh canteen.
National Science Quiz 12/15/15
---------This event will be in dutch-------- Onder de begeleiding van Gerco Onderwater, proberen we de vragen van de nationale wetenschapsquiz op te lossen voor deze op TV komt.
Catch up session LINEAR ALGEBRA 1 12/14/15
Bring your books, questions and fellow students and come and catch up!
Catch up session GROUP THEORY 12/14/15
Bring your books, problems, questions and fellow students and come and catch up on your work before the holiday!
Pole dancing clinic 12/11/15
After "dancing with the poles", "so you think you can pole" and "the pole-factor" is here, from the makers of the FMF squashtournaments: The FMF sportcie pole dancing cinic!!!!!
Nixx-Mas: Joyeux Noël 12/9/15
Nixx-Bios: Joyeux Noël
Dungeons and Dragons for beginners 12/8/15
Dnd for noobs is here! Never played dungeons and dragons, but been curious about it? Here is your chance! Or perhaps you are simply curious about giving 5th edition, or just a new group a shot? Feel free to join us at dungeons and dragons for newbies! Chinese food will be available for 5 euro p.p.
Gaming Event: Couch of Gaming (pizza subscription) 12/3/15
The Gaming Event has been revived. This is what all you gamer boys and girls have been waiting for. We will be gaming on consoles in the lecture halls of the Nijenborgh. Different games will be playable from Super Smash Bros to Dance Dance Revolution
November 2015
ALV 11/30/15
During this event the spoken language will be dutch. Op de vorige ALV zijn de financiële stukken besproken en goedgekeurd. Op deze ALV zal de resultatenrekening, beleidsevaluatie en decharge van het 56e bestuur der FMF de "Symfonie" centraal staan.
Zoo day trip! 11/27/15
Do you want to scream at monkey's, roar like a lion or walk like a penguin? Come and join us at the zoo, where your true animal can be released. (WARNING: if you act too much like an animal you might get caged)