April 2016
ASML excursion 4/21/16
Are you interested in what a career in physics at ASML?
MENDELEEV: an exursion to Tallinn and St. Petersbu 4/18/16
See mendeleev.nl for more information.
QuTech Excursion 4/14/16
Visit one of the world's leading Quantum Computing laboratories!
Nixx-bios: Catch me if you can 4/13/16
Movie night + (optional) dinner!
Kamerborrel 4/11/16
Celebrate your exams with free "special" drinks!
How to keep it lubricated? From engines to knees 4/10/16
In this month's borrel lecture, Dr. Deepak H. Veeregowda will speak about the role of body fluid on the friction of protheses. There will be free drinks and snacks afterwards, and room for informal discussion with Dr. Veeregowda.
March 2016
GEZOCHT: Vrijwilligers voor de college carrousel 3/29/16
For Dutch students only Dit jaar zal de college carrousel op 29, 30, 31 maart en 5, 6, 7 april plaatsvinden. Geef je nu op als begeleider voor €€€ !
Feesten Met Francken LOCATION CHANGED 3/24/16
Join members of both FMF and Professor Francken in a mystery hunt.
Mathematics Teacher of the Year 3/24/16
Alef Sterk, Daniel Valesin, and Roel Verstappen are nominated to become Mathematics Teacher of the Year 2014 - 2015. They will each give a talk, after which you can vote and the winner is chosen!
Beta Business Days 3/22/16
The largest annual career event for beta students!